शिक्षक उपलब्धि

शिक्षक उपलब्धि
क्रमांक अध्यापक का नाम उपलब्धि / टिप्पणियां / अन्य विवरण पदनाम विवरण / डाउनलोड फ़ोटो Shift
1 Ms. Nimisha srivastava

Session 2018-19

Regional Incentive Award

PGT Chemistry
2 Deepak Mehta

Session 2018-19

Second place in Table Tennis.

in Regional Level Sports Competition

3 Daisy

Session 2018-19

First place in Table Tennis.

in Regional Level Sports Competition

PGT Chemistry
4 Mr. D.K. Azad,

Session 2017-18

Awarded with Medal of Merit Award (Divisional Award) -2017.

as Scout Master.

TGT Hindi
5 Mrs Roma Mallick

Session 2016-17

received the certificate of Recognition for the excellent coordination for conducting the Green Olympiad examination in the school, promoting the essence of the examination and providing guidance to the students.

6 Ms. Nimisha Srivastava, Ms. Vandana Tyagi and Ms. Pinkoo Chawla

Session 2018-19

World’s Largest Science Practical Session (IISF).

7 Mrs Vandana Tyagi

Session 2014-15

awarded with a cash prize of Rs.500/- on selection of a question in International Informatics Olympiad-2014.

PGT Computer Science
8 Mrs Usha Dwivedi

Session 2013-14

National Award on 5th September 2013 at Vigyan Bhawan from President of India.

Head Mistress
9 Mrs Jyoti Pandey

Session 2013-14

I prize in classroom innovations at Secondary Level in Pan India Competition on Classroom Innovations conducted jointly by ETMA and KVS.

10 Mrs. Jyoti Pandey

Session 2013-14

Ist prize in poster presentation competition in National Conference on Best Assessment Practices in School on CCE at Regional Institute of Education, Mysore (15-17 May 2013).

One the Judges of the Competition was Dr. Dinesh Kumar, Addn. Commissioner (Acad) KVS


PGT Maths
11 Mrs. Savita Bawa

Regional Incentive Award 2012

at Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan Auditorium at Kendriya Vidyalaya No. 2, Delhi Cantt.

PGT English
12 श्री डी.के. आज़ाद

मेडल ऑफ मेरिट अवार्ड (डिविजनल अवार्ड) -2017

स्काउट मास्टर के रूप में टीजीटी (हिंदी)